Friday, June 22, 2012

Be Right Back To Name This Blog

Dear Readers,

Like most blogs, I have been mentally writing this all day.  Actually, I started writing it yesterday, but I ended up elsewhere and really could not write.  So.

Now I don't really know where to start, but yeah, don't I always say a simple start?

First, in honor of Father's Day, this blog is dedicated to family planning.

Last Sunday was Father's Day and as years before, I was wished a Happy Father's Day.  Now Dear Readers, I am being really transparent when I say that I a female.  OMG. Sidebar, being home on Friday nights is killing me.  I am not used to being around my children soooooooo much.  Does that sound bad? Whatever, it works for us.  They are teens, they don't need me in their face.  I don't know what I am going to start doing on Fridays, but I need to be a volunteer fireman or something. 

Anyway...back to family planning.  If you are one of those sistas who gets bent out of may not want to continue. I trust that my Readers are adults.

I am not a dad.
I am not a father.
I am not a male capable of producing sperm and delivering said sperm to an egg.
I am not a male capable of legally adopting a child.
I am not a male animal who has taken on a responsibility of a baby animal.

I am a woman who despite it all celebrates her motherhood.  Here is the defense people give me...but you do it all on your own.


I said that I was not going to rewrite it. I am not.

This is what you are missing Dear Readers...
1. Lola on Change
2. Lola on Starting Over

I also wrote about Pride Sunday and my friend wearing my favorite pajama pants without panties.

She defended herself because she just had a wax.  No pubes.  That is what she said.

So last Pride I spent it with my ex and friends (couples of course). At one point someone mentioned my ex's current (who they all thought was just a mutual friend)....and the event changed.  Anyway on the way back, we rode in a the back of a car and I cried the whole way home.  Have you ever seen the traffic during Pride? I cried on her lap.  I was so aware that we were over, that there was no chance, that this was really truly it.  Since then.....I don't know.  I am just learning not to hate her.

Anyway.  This Pride, I will find a gay free place.  I don't know how I will get away with it.  I mentioned to my pantiless friend that I might go to Coney Island.  I anticipate all the gays to be sashaying through Manhattan.

I just don't see the point of going.  Pride, to me, is for couples....or people looking to secure a summer love.  I already love.  I don't need to find that.  I am talking shit, it is just not for those two groups.  I don't know a damn thing. 


So I am heading to the beach tomorrow after Weight Watchers.  I want to tan nice and dark.  My weekend, at least about 24hrs of it will be the usual...then on Pride I will head home.

What do I really care?  I know Dear Readers, I care too much.

So my pantiless friend has taken this opportunity to fall asleep on my couch.  I guess now is a good time to talk smack about her. I really don't have anything smackesque to say.  She took me to dinner, offered to get my manicure done, and ordered pizza for the kids.

I love her.  She is pretty awesome and I am not just saying that because she will read this blog.

Speaking of reading, when is the last time I thanked you for coming, for visiting, for checking in the day after?  I love you, Dear Readers.

I fear typing much more or even editting, since the laptop erased half of my thoughts.  Half of my thoughts is a whole lot.

I am pretty sure I will submit a drunken blog on Sunday.  Stay tuned.

A simple start,

Lola/Christine...what did I sign off as last time?


  1. Tell our Waxed BFF that she better not put coochie juice on your Fave PJ Bottoms lol. She better be powdering her twat every hour on the hour :) I love you. It's only been a year since the break up?

  2. It has been a year since the summer that we tried to fix us. We were broken up well before last Pride. It was foolish to try and ridiculous to go to an event like Pride together when we were so apart. I think I cried because I was mourning the previous summer. If only I only I knew it would have been our last......

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